CALLING OUT OF CONTEXT Edited by Joachim Hamou 2017 English edition ISBN: 978-2-918252-49-8 12 € + SHIPPING
Calling out of Context foregrounds specific types of transdisciplinary work and working economies that are situated at the intersection between theatre and visual art. The book is an anthology of texts assembled in a quasi linear historic timeline by Joachim Hamou, who took the initiative for this publication based on the research he conducted at the Danish School of Performing Arts from 2014 to 2016. But ultimately, the publication looks toward the future, and aims to be a source of inspiration for coming practitioners, students and curious minds. (Calling out of Context s’intéresse aux pratiques transdisciplinaires et aux économies de travail que partagent les arts visuels et les arts de la scène. Les textes de cette publication ont été rassemblés à l’initiative de Joachim Hamou, sur la base des recherches qu’il a menées entre 2014 et 2016 à la Danish School of Performing Arts. L’organisation de l’anthologie est plus ou moins chronologique mais elle est tournée vers l’avenir, en se présentant comme un outil disponible pour les patriciens futurs, les étudiants et les esprits curieux.) Calling out of Context, 2017
Edited by Joachim Hamou Authors: Joachim Hamou, François Piron, Marcela A. Fuentes, Rudi Laermans, Ivana Müller, Laura Luise Schultz, Signe Frederiksen, Paula Caspão, Cally Spooner Graphic design by Bureau Roman Seban Printed by CPI Bussière Texts in English 13 x 18,5 cm ISBN: 978-2-918252-49-8 |